Originally Posted by fishytime
Hey....hows it going man? Your right ....you should make it up our way more often  Thanks for the comp. For me it wasnt algae, it was purely the color that I didnt like. I thought the midday would increase coral growth and had I been able to live with the color I suppose it would have done that. The color looked more yellow to my eye. I guess I can live with slightly slower growth rates in lue of a more visually appealing tank. Thats the beauty of T5s. You can custom tailor the appearance by mixing bulbs.
Honestly....when Im done with this bottle of Seachem amino,I will likely switch to the Pohls.Not becuase I am unhappy with the seachem, but because of the reputation of the Pohls products as being the "best". I started my amino dosing with the seachem at the suggestion of a customer and the benefits were almost immediate. I agree trying to save a few bucks where you can is essential, but like most things in this hobby ...you get what you pay for.
*sigh* thats what I figured. I guess I will still put the money up for the KZ products lol. Your so true with "you get what you pay for". Atm I am kicking myself in the ass for buying a euroreef RS skimmer. If I would have known better I wouldn't have have thought that 1000 dollar bubble king wasn't a rip off

. Now I wanna get rid of this thing and pick one up. Or at minimum something that recirculates.
As far as the midday bulb, yeh it was an ugly ass yellow. For some reason though it really stimulated "common" green film algae growth in my tank. Especially on my glass. As soon as I swapped it out for a KZ fiji purple I went from having to clean my glass daily to once every couple days.
I am going to have to get some pics up of my tank one day to show you, but unfortunately my 150 dollar camera mixed with my noobie photography skills really takes shitty pictures. For some reason my camera can't seem to take a picture of my tank that's not blurry or has bad white balance. Even in macro mode. Who knows, maybe the camera is fine and it's all the end user