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Old 01-23-2009, 02:15 AM
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Aquatic Addictions Aquatic Addictions is offline
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Originally Posted by busymum View Post
We recently bought a PS4 and are struggling with tweaking just right to rid our tank of the top layer of dust and junk. We have two Korillia 4's in a 92g corner bowfront. Read and reread the instructions over and over but they aren't much help. I've raised and lowered the Skimmer Overflow and played with air flow adjustment a bit but the surface is still not perfect. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Darrin and Toreen
Darrin and Toreen,

If you like I could arrange maybe on Sat to come over again and play with it for you or give me a call and I could give you one piece of help that may fix it before I make my way over there Always willing to help

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