As far as shipping, after the order is placed I will work with Burc on how the order will be shipped. I will pick it up/be at home to recieve the shipment and then everyone can pick their orders up at my house. I live in Douglas Glen, a little far south for those that live in the north but my house is very easy to access from the deerfoot. I would float the bags in my tank for those that could pick up their stuff the same day. Fo those that might need an extra couple days to get to me I can take the frags out of the bags and keep them in my tank.
As you can see my specs in my signature my tank is set up for just about any coral you want to throw at it and is 3 years mature in it's current location so I have no worries about survival.
- Greg
90G : Light - Tek 6xT5 | Skim - EuroReef RS135 | Flow - 2xVortech MP40W | Control - Reef Keeper 2