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Old 01-21-2009, 02:55 PM
Whatigot Whatigot is offline
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Location: Coquitlam, B.C.
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Whatigot is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Johnny Reefer View Post
FWIW, and if I'm not mistaken, the Vancouver zoo, of what little is left of it, is being/will be phased out as the animals slowly die off of old age. Eventually, all that will be left is the aquarium. Again,...if I'm not mistaken. I believe that is the plan.
The zoo that used to be in stanley park was a joke.
It was pure tourist attraction and has not eheld animals for years.

The vancouver zoo, in Abbottsford, is slightly better but still nowhere near as nice of a facility as the Calgary zoo.

One way or the other, animals are pretty much going to be eventually relegated to man made habitats, the ones that can adapt to such a crappy life anyways.

1 goat hangs himself?
big deal.
We are killing our entire planet a little bit faster everyday.
I'm an animal lover, but I am also a realist.
Humanity and the animal world cannot coexist.
at least not yet and not in the forseeable future.
all of these animals are doomed to die and we are all the killers.
you drive a car?

you buy food or consumer goods and have no idea where hey came from?

You buy fish or coral collected from the wild?

use tap water to fill your tank?

wash your car in your driveway?

Use paper that isn't 100% recycled?

Literally, the list goes on and on and on.

I'm guilty.
through inaction and complacency, my guilt sits on my shoulders like an iron scarf.

Our entire way of life is threatening every other living being on the planet, from trees to plankton.
I feel for this poor goat, but I feel for everything else that is dying too, just because it's happening slower and isn't pumped on CTV doesn't make it any less tragic.

I just can't believe that the death of one goat can incite such passionate, righteous banter when we may well be past our 5 minutes to resuscitate our planet already.
so please guys, if you wish you could've saved this goat, take a step back and consider the big picture and think about the struggling, kicking, doomed goat we all live on.
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