not much to view here
Jan 19th
dosed ultra BAK 1ml
and Ultra Min S 1ml
Jan 20th
Ultra Bak 1ml again
Ultra Min S 1 ml
small amount of Clam Food
Added 4 large colonies of acro's
red /Purple Humilis
Deep water acro
Tri color baby blue and white.
acro Purple Acro
tested PO 4 after 5 days of dosing Ultra BAK at 1ml for my 150 gal system.
tested 15 days ago i think that was at may be 0.01-0.02 now i see is all white so i guessing tha its working maybe those salifirt tests its hard to read unless you have a digital one
all corals are doign great the clams are coloring up and the SPS are doing that too.
So Mike do I start adding 2ml per day or keep it at 1 ml per day for the tank
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.