Think a true nicely sized and coloured Oregon Tort would only come from Oregon! Generally those brand name corals stay in the US. That being said, we should be getting some nice SPS in a hand-picked shipment in the next few weeks.
Originally Posted by Trigger Man
Good to know that you can look for colonies and ship them. Keep your eyes open for a nicely colored and sized Oregon Tort Colony for me. There is not time frame, if you find one just pm me.
We I will have a great selection available in the verynear future.
Originally Posted by lorenz0
aww wow. can't wait to do this next order now. probably will be getting mostly zoa's anyways lol
The really nice colonies, well I never sell them all off. I have some zoanthid colonies I have been fragging and selling for 3 years. I have some SPS I have been fragging and selling for 5 years. Start your tank this year and I should still haev these available.
First time I have seen such a nice zoa shipment. The shipment was exclusively zoas which does not happen that often.
Originally Posted by karazy
haha im actualy really mad that my tank isnt up. i love all these zoas soo much!
Are you gonna keep some to grow out, or sell them all off?
also, how often do stores around you get crazy zoas like that?