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Old 01-19-2009, 06:33 AM
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Keri Keri is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Sunshine Coast, British Columbia
Posts: 963
Keri is on a distinguished road

It's sad that it happened know where a lot of animals die?

The wild.

I know that statement may incite some but it's true, accidents happen.

Now I'm not going to get into an ethical debate about whether zoos are right or wrong but I do believe that we have a moral obligation to provide the best care possible for the animals we keep, and that in this case if it was truely a freak accident then we can't really fault them for it.....Yeah, they've had some animals die over the last couple of years but out of hundreds of animals those are still pretty good odds!

As far as zoos go, Calgary is pretty decent, if the girl from the gift shop was stupid enough to say "oh, it happens all the time" we have to remember....she's the girl from the giftshop. I doubt she personally cares for any of the animals, which is a good thing!

I'd like to know what eventuallu happened with the sting ray thing too.
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