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Old 01-16-2009, 07:11 PM
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Madreefer Madreefer is offline
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Originally Posted by Carmen View Post
Yes, the threads - ha ha couldn't think of that word!
I will take a pic tomorrow if you like though it's not much to look at! Hey it works, although I have discovered that the fish do LEARN once they have been caught in it once (or twice). I am trying to catch that Dottyback and the little bugger is staying clear! But I figure if I leave the bottle in there long enough, he will get used to it and go in again! Started to get used to it abit more even tonight after been in there all weekend.
I googled it and found you a link with a pic.
Only difference is I found the mirror was the only thing that worked for the sixline (along with bait). Tried for 5 days though so you must know it it won't likely be immediate.
Good luck!
Thanks! I finally caught him today with the bottle trap. Every time he went in to it and I would try to get the trap out he would bolt out, so today I rigged up a door with another peice of plastic and some fishing line and was able to lock him in. It only took 4 days. The first day I caught the leopard wrasse so I put him in my fuge so he would be safe. He is now in my display and the sixline is in the fuge waiting to go to a new home.
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