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Old 01-15-2009, 12:38 AM
reeflover reeflover is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: London On
Posts: 54
reeflover is on a distinguished road
Talking Orca skimmer pre-order sale!

One time only super deal on orca skimmers 200 & 250!!!

This is a limited time offer that reef perfection is offering at significantly reduced prices!!!!!!!

Orca skimmer 200 with reeflo orca gold series pump $895.00cad

orca skimmer 250 with reeflo orca gold series pump $1200.00cad

prices will be offered until our alloted quantites by the distributor are sold or by sunday at midnight!!!

Skimmers should be ordered through the website
This will ensure your not missed by sending a pm

prices are plus applicable taxes and shipping is not included.
Shipment will arrive before the end of january!!!!