Originally Posted by lobsterboy
I too was freaking out to start the zeovit, hearing that the tank could crash, etc.
anyways I started it up, and its nothing but amazing. I am now three months in. so far so good. Dont try to rush anything.
I am not sure if you are using KZ salt, but I found it hard to keep the tank buffered.
maybe if someone reads this, and knows a solution, PM me.
Great aquascape you got there.
Hey thanks for the reassurance!
I plan to go very slow. I have had the rector and everything just sitting around for a few days now while I figure it all out. I actually have been reading for a few months now to figure out if this was the right thing for my tank but still feel nervous. After all the reading, this is certainly a great idea for my tank...high bioload and sps dominated. You know what I am really scared to do...take my refugium off line! I know it does a lot for the tank! So I am expecting a nitrate spike for a few weeks while the tank adjusts to no macro algae and the ZEO bacteria gets going.
I am using Tropic Marin salt at the moment but am switching to Reefers Best since it is made to work with the ZEO system. What are you finding hard to keep buffered while using it? It has a low alk right?
Some of the more successful ZEOvit tanks I have seen in Europe seem to be using the Balling method to keep everything else in line. I am going this way as soon as I can find the money to buy a proper doser and the salts.
I am going to test my tanks levels again today and see if the alk has dropped yet. I really hope so.
I also have to get the K+ test since potassium is one of the major elements that is depleted in a low nutrient ZEO system. I have actually never tested potassium before so that should be interesting.
EDIT: From all the reading I have done on ZEOvit.com last night and various other sites, it seems that most of the problems have occurred when people have rushed into ZEO without testing their water parameters and adjusting them to suit the ZEO system OR because they thought adding more than the recommended doses would speed the process up. Then there seems to be some problems when people start using the entire line right from the start instead of starting slow, testing and using the additives that suit their system.