Thread: Crazy for Clams
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Old 01-14-2009, 05:47 PM
NAS NAS is offline
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Vernon BC
Posts: 73
NAS is on a distinguished road

Send me a private message. I have a fantastic contact and paper on spawing from the states. I will forward it to you. The rearing is the elsuisive part. From what I have experienced shallow water 8-10 inches to start. Circulation with little or no mechanical filtration, no skimmer at first. High calcium/ carbonate availability, light, phytoplankton, rottifiers... and .... wait.

Once you see some shell/growth start to increase depth of water and filtration... (I think, no soild info just yet). It's is rumored to take 2-3 years before you get a good Idea on the yeild.
|NAS- If it's not broke, don't fix it.
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