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Old 01-12-2009, 01:50 AM
busymum busymum is offline
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Default How much movement is too much?

We have finished our cycle with our 92gl bowfront and have roughly 80lbs of rock, plus sand, 2 koralia 4's plus a corallife protien skimmer and fluval 405. Now we have 2 perculas, blue tang, cleaner shrimp, peppermint ship, various crabs and 5 or so snails, and we are not sure about the flow, we seem to have alot of micro bubbles. We have 1 of our koralia's down quite low in our tank buried under rock in an up-right angle flowing towards the surface, the other korilia we have across from the 1st korilia but up much higher, almost 3inches from the surfaces, but it seems our perculas aren't able to navigate the tank, and our torch coral doesn't want to extend itself out as fully as we have seen it. Is there a proper way to re-arrange or place powerheads in a tank? How harmful are micro-bubbles? And how can we prevent them?Any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated.
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