a double post if its alright as its two different events this one happened today
lately i have found my Ca,Mg, and Alk decreasing, even when i up the Co2 in my little acro-cal CR. I figured that the little guy isn't keeping up with the rate of the uptake of these elements, so i took the time to look into bigger calcium reactors. i looked at both DIY and pre-made and i really liked the design of the jetstream Nano calcium reactor so i decided to make one thats similar.
using 2.5" acrylic cylinder and a maxi-jet 1200 and a few trips to rona, home depot, and canadian tire this was the result. i havent tested it yet but hopefully it'll work. i'll keep you guys posted.
-An add on chamber is in the making process to increase the amount of media this reactor can handle as well as using up all the CO2 that passes through this one.
-Also thanks to
Chin Lee with explaining the plumping parts! THANKS!
this one shows the recirc's bleed valve to de-gas the cylinder in the case that bubbles get stuck up there.