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Old 01-10-2009, 03:38 PM
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Have a 145g room divider, with a 20g fuge and 75g sump in the basement. I'd love to get a tank where I could get that 3-4-5' front to back depth (think Oregonreef) but just won't be happening because committed in the area I'm at and space available.

When wife and I were looking for a new house, did it a the idea of having a display on the main floor rather than in the basement. Was though what was practical as we were buying a house not a fish tank. Joke that I'm going to live out my days here, but had to think about resell and any changes we got the builder to do.

Other than a frag tank in the fish room, about the only thing I might do is place a small corner tank (90g max) in a room setup as a computer/library type area and plumb back to the main sump. Would be a species specific tank (clown/anemone or seahorse type idea).

Guess still could have the 2000g in the basement but is this a hobby or obsession?
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