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Old 01-09-2009, 11:40 PM
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GreenSpottedPuffer GreenSpottedPuffer is offline
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Originally Posted by justinl View Post
Imo, that fish is going to be fine. Correct me if Im wrong, but puffers can shed a lot of mucus for a fish right? That is probably what you are seeing peeling off, rather than actual skin (although im sure he felt the actual sting, thus leading to welts/sweling and an escape response). Are GSPs toxic? might want to think about water changes if they are... i know a lot of puffers secrete toxins when they are stressed enough.
They can shed a LOT of mucus but I have seen that before and I don't think this is that. Its actually flaking off in pieces. I caught some in a net and removed them just now...seems like skin to me. Its hard to tell in the pics but his skin underneath is a slightly different color as well. Kind of like how peoples skin is if you loose a layer...I could be wring though.

They are somewhat toxic but only to eat. No puffers can actually secrete toxins as far as I know. Just the close relative, box fish. They just have toxins in some their organs and can be lethal if ingested. I am pretty sure the secretion of toxins is a rumor. I have had some extremely stressed puffers in tanks over the years and they never kill tanks with toxins.

I could be wrong though...
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