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Old 01-09-2009, 11:10 PM
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GreenSpottedPuffer GreenSpottedPuffer is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
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GreenSpottedPuffer is an unknown quantity at this point

So I guess I overreacted...maybe hurt BADLY was not accurate but at the time, it looked bad. Now it looks 10 times better. Most of the skin has already come off and underneath looks great. Amazing little fish these guys are!

Its so hard to get a pic of him because the tangs crowd the glass as soon as you get within a few feet of the tank.

This gives you an idea of his size...hes still quite small. He is also very dull since the incident, usually he is bright green...poor guy!

And the can see where all the welts were. He was actually swollen at first too but the swelling is mostly gone. Too bad my camera was dead when I first noticed it.

Here you can see his "good" side. Also in the background is one of the small carpet anemones. I don't think this one stung him. Its too small.

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