The new tank continues to grow hair algae at an alarming rate

I swear it grows an inch per day! Never seen anything like it. My Lawnmower Blenny is getting fat! (He thinks he died and went to H.A. Heaven). I moved the Fox Face over from the 90 gal and he too is eating the stuff. But between the two of them they're not making a dent in it. I've been changing 25% of the water every 3-4 days; running Rowaphos in a reactor; nitrate sponge and carbon in a canister filter; lights out for most of the day; and removing and scrubbing the smaller rock every day. If it doesn't start to let up soon I'm going to remove the corals and do an extended black-out. NO3 & PO4 are undetectable on Salifert test kits. MrFish55 brought his Medusa ChemTester colorimeter over and PO4=0 and NO3=.17 (Pretty good readings). Any suggestions? Anything I've missed?
On a positive note, the new skimmer is great. Skims well, runs quiet, and is easy to use. Here's a pic after 48 hrs of running the skimmer. About 1/3 liter of skimmate.