I think Kevin is going to toss or force me to sell the RKE. The RKE does not like him at all.
If you didn't know the head unit works using Capsense (?) buttons. For some reason Kevin cannot get within 1/2" of the unit or it just starts randomly freaking out by clicking options, scrolling through menus, etc. The point here is that Kevin cannot touch the unit without it having a serious meltdown, which sometimes requires a complete restart. Its not just Kevin either unfortunately, it seems like there is a small set of people who throw the unit off somehow.
I however can touch it mostly without difficulties. The only thing I can't get it to do is set the time right, and have it consistently keep time. It also takes up to an hour after a reset and reprogramming session for the proper date to show up.
While the RKE did have its problems, I never experienced the bulk of them. Our first head unit's buttons would randomly stop working, always starting with the Enter button and eventually spreading to all buttons. DA replaced the unit.
I acknowledge that our replacement is better, and that Digital Aquatics has made a fantastic effort with their customer service, and in offering up firmware upgrades. However, I am unsure if I had the option, that I would once again buy the product. I say this for 4 reasons; 1) Kevin can't use the unit, 2) Its not mac compatable, so I have to find a PC to update it with 3) there are no Canadian dealers (not the last tiem I checked) who carry the RKE, so I'm always looking at additional duty when I purchase to expand the system, 4) the time hasn't bee right on my unit for at least 3 months, making it untrustworthy.
I'd also recommend to DA that they find a better way to seal in the back of the head unit. Its a controller that is undoubtably around corrosive salt water, and I am concerned about its long term survivability. A second recommendation would be to adjust how the wire comes into the head unit. Is awkward and difficult for people with bigger fingers to manuver with additional tools.
The unit seems like a good bang for your buck, but like any new unit it obviously requires some time for the bugs to be worked out.