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Old 01-08-2009, 07:54 AM
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tang daddy tang daddy is offline
Likes to play with Fish
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Location: Richmond
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tang daddy is on a distinguished road

Thank you for the reply pz reefer and btw nice shot of your tank in your user tag I see a big efflo you should share a FTS in the 2009 post.

It seems that the larger tanks are able to keep lyretails no problem you for instance have kept yours for 1 year and another guy mike olson has kept his for 2 years so it can be done with a larger tank good feeding ethics and most important clean stable params.
Always looking for the next best coral...

90g starphire cube/400mhRadium20k/2 XHO/2x27w UV/2x39w T5/ 3 Trulumen led strips
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