Thanks naesco and Justinl for the inputs on the flasher I'll have to look into that.
Justin the pipefish I'm quite suprised aswell cause generally they dislike lots of high flow.
I've had it for a year and the first few months thought it was a gonner as I never saw it. Up late one night I was like what the fart!!
It's alive, so from that point I made it a must to feed it from a metal planting tong. It would hide under the crevice and come up sniff the dangling mysis and then do a head nod and snap the mysis in half then after go for it's head and other remaining pieces.
It's about 7in long now when I got it was 4in and it's by far my most favourite fish no one is intrested in toughing him as he's so skinny and has razor sharp thorns on his chin, which tells me he's a male. I've tried a few times to catch him when the lights are off so I can relocate him into my sump with the other slow eaters however he's really fast swimmer so I'll let him be for abit.