Wow everyone thanks for the replies!!
Great honest inputs and it seems that most cant keep them for over a year, with that said looks like I'll need to find something colourful yet hardy anyone have any suggestions?
First of the fish in my system:
120g with 55g sump
display- 1 mystery wrasse (soon to be relocated cause of aggresion)
1 golden rabbit fish
1 bar goby
9 blue eyed cardinals
1 red striped shrimp goby (aka wheeler goby)
1 small regal tang (also to be relocated once bigger)
2 chalk bass
1 orange/purple pipefish
sump- 1 seahorse
1 green pipefish
1 orange spot shrimp goby
1 orange stripe goby
mostly sps with a few lps so not angels!!
Always looking for the next best coral...
90g starphire cube/400mhRadium20k/2 XHO/2x27w UV/2x39w T5/ 3 Trulumen led strips