Thread: 280g Inwall
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Old 01-07-2009, 05:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Well, it wouldn't be the BOLT that would fall apart.

Anyhow, thanks Bandit, the idea worked perfect.

The shuttlecars now look like this:

And here is the lightframe up in the air. W00ty!!1!ONE!

It actually sits pretty level without needing any adjustments. Only thing is it sits a little too low, it needs to come up 3"-4". I'll be running 400w's so I was hoping for as close to 12" above the water surface as possible. Right now they are about 8". So I'll be chopping down the bolts to make it happen since the hanger assembly is already at minimum length.

Actually the irony is at the current height it would fit under the furnace ducts. But I really want the 11"-12" of height for the sake of minimizing heat transfer and hopefully creating a more uniform light cast.

I would do the bolts tonight but all of a sudden I'm wiped. Think I'm gonna check out what's on the PVR.
^^^^ now you feel old and not just look old

Nice progress btw
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