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Old 01-07-2009, 03:44 AM
yeeg yeeg is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Tanglewood
Posts: 57
yeeg is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
Not even close to the same price. I was about to pay $250 for two reflectors plus shipping. I just need the aluminum ($50) and some rivets. I have all the tools already (stepfather does) and I have the sockets and wiring. I am just making new reflectors to replace mine...maybe about $60-70 for two. Thats about $180-200 less.

Have you checked out the prices of the Lumenarc Minis??? $119 plus tax and shipping is the best I have seen but if you have seen better, please let me know!
whats your time worth? if its 10 bux an hour or less, then its worth your time to build it but if u normally make 25-50 bux an hour, I would think twice...But thats just my opinion.

650G Mixed, 5 - Lumenarc 250w 10K, 4 - Tunze Turbelle 6101 w/7095, BK 250 External

650# - Tonga LR, 49 sps, 9 lps, 4 softies, 10 mush/zoas, 1 clam

Blonde Naso, Sohal, 2 Yellow Tangs, Juv Emperor, CBB, Achilles, Kole, Solar Fairy Wrasse, paired pencil Wrasse, Cleaner Wrasse, Blue lined rabbit Fish, 8 clowns, lawnmower blenny, mandarin dragonet, sand sifting goby, abalone, tux urchin, black spiny urchin, 4 cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, 150+ snails/crabs/conches
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