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Old 01-06-2009, 04:32 PM
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The truck wasn't chipped but it did have the AFE cold air intake, and turbo back exhasut system. On the 2007s there were no sensors on the cats and it did not effect the overall system. I do know some vehciles will not run without cats on them.

My husband just left for Ford now, and I hope me not being there does not effect what will happen. I remember things, ask all the stupid questions that need to be asked, and make sure to try to protect us. The 2009 F350 they loaned him is a really nice truck, but we will be downsizing to a F150. Although we have a trailer and such, we do not need a big deisel truck anymore. The new deisels are BRUTAL on fuel, and my hubby's 2007 with 38" tires is much better on fuel believe it or not. He gets 450km to a 100L tank and the new trucks get 300km with factory tires!!! My Toyota is not that great on gas but $45 gets me 500km on the highway

I hope it all pans out in the end, and Advantage is trying their best to do what they can for us. They will build hubby yet another truck, and I know he wants the oversized tires and rims again You would think he would have learned from this last nightmare it should not be done. When the tranny blew up up there was a huge fight over having it replaced, since the tires and lift we looked at as the cause of the breakage. I really want a lift and tires and rims on my FJ but have refrained from doing so, since I know there would be haedaches over it. However, I see so many brand new 4x4s with these mods off the showroom floor. I don't know how people get them fixed.
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