Originally Posted by bullit67
Well it is no wounder they need a bail out if they throw money around like that.
exactly, it's great to be able to give money away and not worry about where it comes from or if your company is on the verge of bankruptcy?????
if you believe them ( at least the 2 ) they were a week away from having to close their doors. but now with the first ( don't even think this is the end ) billions flowing they can lay everyone off for a few weeks to a month ( yes, dumping them on EI ) while they figure out what to do. now seriously if sales are down and no signs of a quick recovery for the economy how can they continue to build vehicles and keep everyone employed??? well thats were the next bail out will begin............
the notion that this would be the end of the auto industry in NA is silly, they would just have to restructure and renegotiate their contacts. yes there would be job losses but believe me there are still going to be.
sorry about that, back to the OP
was the truck chipped?
from the sound of it ( lifted, oversize tire, etc.. ) it was, that with the other mods ( cat back / CAI ) will allow the engine to perform out of the manufacturer specs., so i can see where the manufacturer is coming from.
you're lucky to be getting out now, i work in construction and we have loads of diesel pick ups. the Ford engines are dieing at about 250, 000 K and needing 8 - 10 grand to fix. we don't buy Ford anymore, the salesman still comes by to see why but all we have to do is point to a dead Ford, then to a much older truck beside it still pulling strong.
good luck, hope everything works out for you