Originally Posted by Slick Fork
Thanks for the link to correct that.
Green: Of course I realize that nobody is having their arm twisted to buy an import. Good for you that you drive an Audi, they are fantastic cars and if one suited my lifestyle I would have no hesitation to buy one. Unfortunately an Audi coupe just won't pull my horse trailer
The only point that I was really trying to make is that the relentless domestic bashing gets really tiresome considering none of it is based on facts.
MSeepman summed up the state of the industry quite well so I won't rehash it yet again but at the end of the day the "cars that nobody wants" still account for over 75% of the new vehicle market in North America. The problems are with overpaid union workers, insane pensions and benefits, etc. Not the sales end. The imports are in just as much trouble but because they are not North American companies we don't seem to hear the news.
And like I mentioned before, the bailout is a loan, not a hand-out and the cost to taxpayers will be many times greater if any of the big 3 go into chapter 11 (which is re-structuring, not liquidation and would probably be better for the company but catastrophic for their workers)
Yes and I do understand what you are saying and agree to a point. I actually was never bashing the actual domestic car manufacturers, I just agreed with the poster that said they disagreed with the bailout. None of what I have been saying is based on actual cars

Just the situation where I think these companies may have been able to manage their businesses better.
I think you know more about the bailout than I do...Did FORD Canada not turn down the money? I believe they did not need it?
Anyways...I also agree that this was not the place to start a big debate.
Oh and I don't drive anything anymore

I decided having a car when living in the city was totally unnecessary. For me anyways...I work from home and rarely go anywhere that is not within walking distance. Just the fish shops but then I get a ride