I never get mad or pitch fits about things... it just makes a person look like a moron in the end (unless you are fighting with the spouse

I talked with the service manager today, then the dealership manager. The sales manager was sick today but I will be speaking with him tomorrow. They said we will all work something out... Hopefully that means I don't need to go to AMVIC or pursue this anymore then I need to after tomorrow.
Thanks for all the advise everyone.
Originally Posted by dsaundry
Have you tried going over the dealerships head.Start by going to Fords customer services dept. They have one http://ford.ca/app/fo/en/customer_support.do
I will also explain that when you are dealing with them that if the frst person says "NO" ask for their supervisor..most importantly stay calm, if you get hot and start to yell and scream at them you are hooped for sure.
Had a buddy who was a service manager for a dealership and I asked him one time "what would it take to void somebodies wty?" His response was " It depends on how big of a jerk they are". Wish you luck in your quest.