Originally Posted by NAS
Just got the CO2 Reactor fired up yesterday. Now, just to get it balance out. My calcium levels are terribly low.... Im considering to continue dosing until reactor is up to snuff.... as it stands the level is holding at 250ppm. Normaly this would be gone in 24 hour period so we know the reactor is workin... just not goin up yet.
From my experience, your reactor isn't going to bring up your levels - it is a balanced ca/alk additive. You need to adjust your levels manually to where you want them, then dial in your reactor to maintain them...
There are many threads to help, but to get my reactor running correctly, I adjusted Ca to where I wanted it and then monitored every day to see if levels were holding or dropping. Then I increased my flow through the reactor until the ca levels were stable. Alk also increased a little, but it all stabilized eventually at 420 ppm cal w/alk at 9.0 dkh. Now I check them about every 4 weeks.