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Old 01-06-2009, 03:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Slick Fork View Post
Whenever the time may be for you to purchase or lease a new vehicle, keep this information in mind. You might want to give more consideration to a car manufactured by an American-owned and / or American based company. Apart from Hyundai and Volkswagen, the foreign car companies contributed nothing at all to the citizens of the United States ...
It's OK for these companies to take money out of this country, but it is apparently not acceptable to return some in a time of crisis. I believe we should not forget things like this. Say thank you in a way that gets their attention..
Because they are taking money out of the states? You do realize people WILLINGLY buy their products right? No one is forcing anyone to buy a car manufactured in another country...

Well I am American and will still buy an Audi every time. Best car I have ever owned. My father kept bugging me to try an Audi (He owns 3) but I kept I have no idea why!

To be honest, I will never buy a car based on who is giving what to charity. I will also never support any of those big three after this bailout...I am giving them enough money as it is now...not willingly.

Last edited by GreenSpottedPuffer; 01-06-2009 at 04:43 AM.
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