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Old 01-06-2009, 02:06 AM
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Originally Posted by om6acw View Post
At the end its going to cost you same, maybe more, depends of how you are handy, just count reflective material (95% and more is pretty expensive 24x24" it's around $57) bulb socket, cables, rivets , tools if you dont have it you have to buy or rent + your time for fabrication, looking for material. If you stay in work for couple extra hours you can buy them, original with proper used material, each one exactly same..... so I dont think this is worth that much effort....
Not even close to the same price. I was about to pay $250 for two reflectors plus shipping. I just need the aluminum ($50) and some rivets. I have all the tools already (stepfather does) and I have the sockets and wiring. I am just making new reflectors to replace mine...maybe about $60-70 for two. Thats about $180-200 less.

Have you checked out the prices of the Lumenarc Minis??? $119 plus tax and shipping is the best I have seen but if you have seen better, please let me know!
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