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Old 01-05-2009, 07:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Snaz View Post
I'm ****ed that my government is throwing my tax dollars at the "Big Three". The cars are inferior to Japanese and have been for 25+ years now. Why do we continue to buy these lemons? It's not the labour as we have great Toyota and Honda plants in Ontario, it must be the design and corporate practices that result in continually poor products.

My extended family hasn't bought anything but Honda, Toyota and Mazda for many years now. Excellent cars.

Sorry for you troubles My2rotties.
Man this could start a big debate...

But...I agree. Well my last car was an Audi, so European. I don't think I would buy anything but Audi now...not going to help though if you need a truck. My TT couldn't even fit more than 2 people, LOL. I "leased" it to my brother as I am doing my best to go "green" and a car was just a luxury and not a necessity for me since I live downtown basically. I kept the tank as my main environmentally unfriendly luxury

I also have a huge problem with the bail out. Actually FORD has not needed the money and I feel should be the last one standing. I understand the implications to the economy if they allow the others to go under but so be it. If the other two company could not manage their business properly, why should WE bail them out. I have a real problem with this...

Last edited by GreenSpottedPuffer; 01-05-2009 at 07:37 PM.
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