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Old 01-05-2009, 02:54 PM
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Default I am so glad I came here and asked

I wasn't too sure if I should come and ask about this huge issue, but am sure glad that I did. I have some very useful information that can actually be used as a plan. I keep hitting walls on anything I try to find out, and this most precious info is not readily available.

I found NOTHING that you guys provided me on this forum in all my searching. It is hard to find info when you don't really know what to look for. Google is awesome, but I found nothing that was helpful to this cause. It is a daunting task to figure out what somebody can do in a situation such as this. I am glad my husband has something to drive but it will have to go back. I'm surprised they have not been looking for it yet.

Now I have discovered my husband had the cold air intake and exhaust installed after it was purchased, but he asked the dealer if it would effect the warranty. I think we might be on the hook for this afterall. Timing sucks since we pretty much destroyed our spendable money on this tank project. We never expected this to happen and spent the money we had set aside when @#$% happens. Our bad, and we just let this tank project get away on us without taking other things into consideration.

I'm going to the dealer that has the truck this morning and will try to negotiate withn them. If we walk away from the lease, they will still be on the hook to fix the truck. We don't want the truck they offered us, so they won't be leasing that one us either...

I better load up on my Monday morning caffine and get out of here.

Thanks to all you guys for giving me some ammo to help us get thigns resolved. I should have asked sooner...
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