Some new pics from today
new purpleyblue sps frag from AA
Hairy mushroom - from my first tank, has split and grown a lot since then
My LMB (the carpet surfer - alive and cheeky for the camera)
Blue SPS from Jason McK - hasn't grown much at all, but coloured up beautifully, we'll see how it likes the better lights! The tips are damaged from the night of the move, it fell into so bleeping xenia
Candy cane from the swap meet - has gone from 7 heads to 12, good eater!
The chromis....being chromis
My hammer coral, also from my first tank, has grown a LOT since the one head I bought!
The Hemprich's anemone from Oceanic, seems to be liking the spot I put his rock in, he's in a lot of flow tho and he looks better with less (more "poofy)
Monti frag from reefjunkie, this thing changes colour every month, sometimes it's brown, sometimes it's orange, sometimes it's red.
Lovely yellow acro "frag" (aka: colony lol) from Denis