Tanks, stands an equipment for sale.
I have three tanks with stands for sale. 72 gallon, 33 gallon and 77 gallon.
72 gallon has stand and canopy with 3 GLO electronic ballast & 6 -T12 fluorecent tubes.
CPR 50 overflow, 20 gallon sump, deep sand bed and live rock.
33 gallon tank and stand, coral life light fixture with 150W MH and 2 compact fluorecent with moon lites. march 5 return pump in 15 gallon sump returns to tank thru scwd. 50 gal CPR overflow. Deep sand bed over plenum, Live rock.
77gallon tall, with 3 GLO electronic ballast, Stand, canopy.
No animals for sale, all animals are being transferred to my new 240 gallon reef.