Here's the inside of the canopy. I chose plywood instead of drywall for this side because I think it will hold up to moisture and humidity better.
I'm using quarter round on the inside corners just to help keep humidity out of the ceiling. Here's my triple-mitre job, I'm pleased how that turned out.
Finished painting..
And just how it looks from the outside..
Starting to look like a tank!! Yay.
There's still so much ground to cover that I get queasy thinking about it. My goals for the next two weeks are:
- Install the HRV vent covers
- Install the barndoor hangers for the light frame, and hang the light frame in place
- Get the electrical done
- Get the tank plumbing done.
That might be enough for me to get water and rock into the tank and start cycling, while I finish off the rest of the room (ie., drywall the walls inside the tank room and on the tank display side, get the decorative moulding in place on the front side and so on).