Ok. I came on too strong, and I better apologize for that.
But let me ask this: how many people read THIS forum and NOT the marketplace forum as well? Frankly it seems everyone reads everything in every forum, and hey, that's cool, whatever. But if that's the case, then what harm is there in putting things you want to trade or sell or buy in the buy/sell/trade forum and appending something like "Sorry I am not looking to ship at this time.." ? All I'm saying is, please don't feel you can't post in the buy/sell/trade forum even if you're not interested in shipping and are only looking for local homes. At least if we do that, then people who are looking for frags know where to look for them.
It's not a real huge issue now, but as the board grows, and the number of posts accumulate, it does become a bit a nuisance when you are trying to search through old posts looking for something in particular, and it happens to be in a forum you don't really expect it to be in... say for example some DIY idea, so you look for the posts in the DIY section but hey the threads were in fact in the Nano tank section, or something like that. Gets confusing.
If frags and corals belong in their own category that exempts them from a buy/sell/trade kind of idea ..... then I guess my comments are baseless. Sorry, please disregard my earlier comments.
Thanks for your thoughts.
PS. Sorry about the club rant thing. I was out of line. I think it's obvious I'm not impartial,
I want to see a formal club get formed, with regular meetings on the same day every month, and that sort of thing. So, sorry that I got all whiney about it.

I need to learn to shut up more often.