No, Its not even set up yet. It still sitting empty because ive been trying to save up money again for it. I had $1000 but i spent it on bookshelves for my office (i needed them).
Because of the price increases i am really re-thinking saltwater

I would still love to have one but the cost is just rediculious now.
Ive been resarching so i could do something that is budget wise and 'low tech'
Im trying to see how low i can go for lighting and still keep nicely coloured softies and no lps.
Im more interested in zoas, rics, shrooms, cloves, and xenia anyways
Because these corals like a 'dirty' tank Im wondering if i should just not get the skimmer at all. However I wont be able to do weekly WC. Perhaps every other week or so... But ive read of many people going weeks without a WC and doing only topoffs. Ive even read somewhere of someone not doing a WC for a year!!! Still its not ideal and i dont want the life in my tank to suffer.
I dont know how to edit my list down other than to downgrade the tank but i already have the tank.
So now im wondering if i could go with lower lighting and if so how low and where to buy it. I dont want to spend more than $300 but that doesnt mean i want a $300 fixture. and this includes bulbs.
Im wondering about not getting a refractometer and just going for a hydrometer again
Instead of LR i would be doing dead rock and then seeding it so i can save some cash there
Any other ideas to how i can save more money?
Snaz: yes i already know about not adding all livestock all at once. Im willing to be very patient as you can probably tell by me not having the tank set up yet. The price i quoted previously was just for setup, it doesnt include any livestock.
Boomboy: yea thats why i wanted this size tank because the size is just awsome.