Tony, are you saying that we're being "cliquey?" If we just want to "talk amongst ourselves" once in a while (so to speak), why is that a problem?
Should we have a "Lounge" within the Calgary area?? I can see why the reef-related questions should be on the open forum, because they can contribute to and gain from the wider knowledge base. But for local frag offerings, what do they contribute beyond this locality?
I don't get it.

I understand your points, but we all know and have met each other, that's why we have the volume of posts, etc... because it's a local community among the wider community.
To say that the Calgary section is available only if we have intentions of forming a formal club is amazingly retentive. (I don't blame you, but if you're being hassled about it - wow...) It's been a great place to hang out when all you WANT is local input, for obvious reasons.
That's been one of the great attractions of this board. Heck, I don't even read the Vancouver forum - usually. Aren't the reasons obvious?