Thread: Booms cube-80
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Old 01-02-2009, 11:31 PM
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Boomboy Boomboy is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: edmonton
Posts: 442
Boomboy is on a distinguished road

sounds like a good idea. i will give that a try maybe i can get it down enough.

on a happier note but also a sad one. i received my 2 pumps in the mail today, a QO4000 and a QO4000 HH

the sad part about it was that one of the pumps wasnt put on properly i dont know what the heck these people were thinking when they did this. so all the inside parts were broken.

so i opened it up and the whole inside was busted apart.

but on the happier note, my tank is supposed to be in on saturday and i will finally have it YEah.
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