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Old 01-02-2009, 06:58 AM
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Pansy-Paws Pansy-Paws is offline
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Location: Delta, B.C.
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Pansy-Paws is on a distinguished road

I also bought my cables from (about 1 month ago) ... 2 six foot cables, and 2 ten foot cables ... total delivered price $32US. At that price I didn't worry about our anemic exchange rate . I'm very happy with their performance on my Blu-ray and 1080p LCD.

The issue of cables will probably never be resolved, as Monster has done a wonderful marketing job. Yes, their cable components are higher quality, but as the CBC Marketplace article shows, for sending and receiving a digital signal it can be overkill. Monster made their name in the analog world (e.g. speakers), where cable sizes and premium connectors make a difference.

That said, does have a range of cables to choose from. I went for the HDMI 1.3a Category 2 certified 28 AWG. The 24 AWG cables are suggested for lengths over 12 foot.
- Lyle

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29 gallon nano-tank
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