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Old 01-02-2009, 05:35 AM
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GreenSpottedPuffer GreenSpottedPuffer is offline
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LOL...I am so lost now!

All I know is that I am happy with mine and agree with bullit67 that is the most important part

I left out the part that not only did I get the monster cable from Best Buy but I just ended up having them come and install the whole thing for me with new Blue Ray player and Surround sound, ect. I figured people would just tell me how much money I wasted on having them come do everything for me but I am very happy with what they did. Couldn't tell you much about what they did but I know my TV looks a million times better than when I had set it up. The only thing I haven't liked much is the Shaw PVR but that was my choice not theirs.
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