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Old 01-02-2009, 02:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Rbacchiega View Post
note to self...get squamosa clam
You should! T. squamosa are some of the most interesting clams, they're really quite neat. It's neat to see the range of patterns and colours they can come in.

Interestingly, or ironically (I'm not sure. maybe both??), the largest and smallest clams in my tanks are squamosas. This one here is MY "Big Bertha":

... measuring in at .. I'm not sure actually. 14" maybe? It's like a football. He was a mere 5-6" when I purchased him 4 years ago. He has a commensal shrimp living inside him. Hard to photograph, here's the best attempt at capturing it so far:

But also the smallest clam in my tanks (don't have a picture of it yet) is a 1" squamosa. He's similar to the yellow one on the right of the top picture below (the multicoloured spotted one in the focal point is also squamosa, for some reason I don't seem to have a photo featuring the yellow one yet):

And this is squamosa too:
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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