Yes I will try to take one tonight. The spot is kind of like a dark spot mid way down his body. Its only on one side.
He has now stopped eating and has slightly clouded eyes. I feel so bad for him. I think the last time he ate was about three days ago. Too bad because he had such a great appetite.
I know there is ich in the tank right now too (Hippo tang has it) and I am amazed the CCB has been able to fight that off so far.
Don't know if there is much I can do for him at this point. He is still swimming around but looks rough. Every other fish looks great and acting normal (besides Hippo who is rubbing a bit). Same old story as EVERY CCB I have tried.
Great for a few months and then suddenly its health deteriorates rapidly for no apparent reason. Certainly do not think he is going to make it and will not try another one.