Thread: Diatoms?
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Old 01-02-2009, 12:45 AM
likwid likwid is offline
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Default Diatoms?

Hey guys,

I have had my JBJ Nanocube HQI running for 4 months now, and about two months ago the top layer of my sand started to get a fuzzy yellowish brown substance all over it. I am assuming these are diatoms, but from what I read they are a normal part of initial cycle and should not last long. I have had these for over 2 months, and they are showing no sign of slowing down at all.

Are these indeed diatoms? Is there anything I can do to get rid of it?

I tried pointing a powerhead at the sand, but that didn't help much at all. I tried sifting the sand and burrying the top layer under new sand, but the next day it would appear again. Arg, my tank used to look so beautiful, but this brown sand bed ruins everything.
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