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Old 01-01-2009, 06:44 PM
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Peppermint shrimp are not an option for me since my large puffer would eat them in a split second. I have one shrimp but he went to my overflow and is now hiding in 120pounds of live rock in my sump.

I don't know if it is breeding season for aiptasia or what... but I suddenly have a pretty serious outbreak. Of course they are on impossible to reach places, and I know I am in trouble here.

I know I can take the rocks out, and soak them, but these little buggers hide so well I know I won't get them all. I also have so much like in my rock and I don't want any die off. I also have over 200 pounds of rock in my display... All stacked into tunnels and caves which I will never be able to get this way again if I touch it. It took six hours or more to get it like this...

What do you do when there is a big issue with this pests? I am thinking I will have to take the rock out piece by piece and hope I can get the pests with lemon juice when they pop up in some salt water in a boucket. I have the chemical which I would use outside of the tank. I have tried to nuke the odd one in the display but my fish always come up to my hand and I don't want them burned.

I notice the lemon juice in the needle has not worked on the ones I just tried to get within my reach. I keep staring at the problem, and think I have to reserve myself to more invasive and time consuming methods. What have you done?
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