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Old 01-01-2009, 03:57 PM
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<rant>There is so much snake oil and superstition and subjective testimonial around cables, it is just ridiculous. I once read an audio review where the writer enthused about the difference that gold contacts on his DIGITAL connections made the sound "aura" more distinct. Do you know there are people selling power cables for hundreds with the promise it will make your audio sound better? That's right, after running over utility transmission lines, then through the cheap power lines in your house, you can pay hundreds for the last 3 feet. And somehow, through magical thinking, it will make your system perform better.

The pseudo-science vocabulary the hucksters use would be laughable, if it weren't draining so much money from people's pockets.

Buy decent-quality (but not necessarily expensive) cables. The cheapest junk can corrode or have weak contacts. Solder breaks can be annoyingly common in the really cheaply made cables. Monoprice sells very nicely made cables at VERY fair prices. I recommend them highly. Buying Monster cables is almost morally wrong. They are ordinary-quality at semi-premium pricing. They look OK, and aside from reports of overly-tight RCA connectors, they probably work fine... but the hype and price is horrid.

Most of you with 1080p televisions don't have a 1080p source; for most sources, you are upconverting at the set -- and if you aren't nose-to-screen, you probably can't see the difference between 1080p and 720p anyway (apologies in advance to the eagle-eyed and expensively modern in the crowd).

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