Alright I need to finally make a firm and lasting decision on salt. I used Red Sea Coral Pro very happily until about Dec. 2007. Then I couldn't find anymore after we moved back to Calgary, so I hopped around from Ocean Pure Pro, to Instant Ocean, to Reef Crystals.
I found OPP didn't do anything for my tank overall, I had to fight extra much with Ca and dKH levels when I used it. IO and RC always leaves a lot of crap at the bottom of my mixing barrels. Red Sea Pro left a lot of crap too, but I Ca and Mg. weren't such an uphill battle.
So I'm debating Reefer's Best as my next trial product. I go through about a bucket every couple of months. I do not use any of the bacterial systems, but I hear good things about the potassium regardless of if I'm running a low-nutrient system. I admit I do hesitate at the price.
So I'm not really sure what to do right now, do I switch to trying RB salt, or do I stick with something else? My biggest ongoing issues is, and seems to always have been, low dKH. While I think I might have a solution to the low dKH in the form of a new Ca reactor, I think it would be prudent to maybe find a salt mix that would help solve the issue as well.