Trevor, most everything is at Ianfishy's Sydney is in Brazil right now. Me and the wife are contemplating her 180g tank and stand, will know further tomorrow, but heres a PM what Ian sent me regarding the leftovers.
Um there is two medium pajamas a large sohal lots of Green star polyps, anthelia, yellow polyps about 50-80 lbs of rock, a very large green and orange favia ( about 12 by 12 inches). There are lots of fish and corals but i would have to ask sydney because she told me "sell the corals too large for her 34 gallon" but thats pretty subjective. it is pretty bare as most of it was sold to people on the coast. your welcome to come and have a look anytime. Her 180 gallon and stand is still for sale as well as the 90 that i have set up for her at my place. Its steel and has aluminum checker plate sides and front. pretty sweet.