I'm so sorry you had to watch a fish die like that. I hope I never have it happen to me. As long as they are alive, we can keep trying. My Naso would almost have me tears since she would look around for food even though it was bouncing right off of her...
Congrats on the new fish you lucky devil... I feel the same way as you... just one more fish
One of our members, Razz gave my an awesome rabbitfish which has befriended the Naso. They swim together and when the rabbitfish went to the nori the naso would watch. Yesterday she picked the nori but today she is munching. Now I make sure the nori is always there. I'll let the skimmer pick up most of it since it get pulled off. I know things still can take a turn for the worse, but I am glad that I did not bring her back to the LFS.
Still keeping my fingers crossed.
Originally Posted by fishoholic
I'm glad she's eating something, I know how much it sucks to loose a fish because it just wont eat. I lost my flame angel that way  If she's eating the nori she should end up eating the other food too, eventually. My black velvet angel I got on boxing day had me a bit worried, but as of last night he finally ate some mysis. Hopefully your naso will too.