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Old 12-30-2008, 10:44 PM
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reef bound reef bound is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Kamloops, BC
Posts: 129
reef bound is on a distinguished road

We have a 180g with a niger trigger in it and as long as there are places for the shrimp to hide, he should be OK. We only have one peppermint shrimp as we moved him from our RSM and we never see him in the big tank during the day- we have seen his molts, but not him. We recently bought a red LED flashlight and have now seen him running around at night so we know he's still alive. Aiptasia is totally under control. (someone mentioned that if you add your new livestock AFTER you feed your trigger they shouldn't really be bothered---but I have yet to try it. We're a little cautious about that one still.)
65 gallon mixed reef and 34 gallon mixed reef
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